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We provide quality Human Resource services to attract, develop, motivate, and retain a diverse workforce within a supportive work environment. We do this with an emphasis on customer service based on consultation and communication with the campus community. We strive to live the mission of the College by being rooted in a belief in human dignity that educates the minds and hearts of its students.

The currently established employee relations policy of the University of Holy Cross is to operate a successful institution of higher education reflecting the mission of the Marianites of Holy Cross. This mission is to incarnating the love and compassion of Jesus Christ through an interaction among administrators, faculty, and students striving for excellence and contributing knowledge and experience through their work, our community, and ultimately the world in need.

We strongly believe you should have the right to make your own choices in matters that concern and control your life. We believe in direct access to management. We are dedicated to making University of Holy Cross a workplace where you can approach your supervisor or any member of management to discuss any issues and ask questions as needed. We expect you to voice your opinions and to contribute your suggestions to improve the quality of the University.

Whatever your position, you have an important assignment to perform every task to the very best of your ability. The result will be better performance for the University overall and personal satisfaction for you!

All applicants, administrators, faculty, staff, and students are welcome to email or call Melanie Erlinger in Human Resources at or (504) 398-2177.


Ethics and Compliance Hotline 
  • Abuse 
  • Fraud 
  • Harassment 
  • Discrimination 
  • Theft 
  • Unsafe Working Conditions 

All information is treated by an independent third party. 
Email Whitney at or leave her a message at (504) 398-2299.
Please ensure you include your name and contact information in the message.