Academic Affairs
Office of Academic Affairs
A Message from UHC’s Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
In the spirit of the Marianites of Holy Cross, I am dedicated to the success of this amazing institution of higher education. I am honored and humbled to serve as Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs where I can collaborate with personnel in all areas of the University to fulfill our mission and to serve our students and the wider community.
The Office of Academic Affairs supports teaching and learning through a network of outstanding and qualified faculty and staff who are supported by program coordinators, department chairs, and deans. Students are supported by faculty and staff with a host of services including, but not limited to, the Center for Teaching and Learning, the Blaine S. Kern Library, Student Health and Wellness, Campus Ministry, and the Thomas E. Chambers Counseling and Training Center.
We are devoted to helping students succeed, earn their degrees, and advance in their careers. The overarching goal of our Quality Enhancement Program (QEP) is to prepare all students graduating with a baccalaureate degree to enter their professional careers with the communication skills needed for success and advancement.
The Office of Academic Affairs is committed to the mission of the University of Holy Cross which is supported and made visible through the following Core Values:
The University of Holy Cross promotes excellence in all aspects of university life:
developing character, fostering curiosity, and assimilating the knowledge essential
to becoming servant leaders.
Animated in the Spirit of Jesus Christ, all members of the University strive to recognize
the image of God in each person and honor all in their giftedness and limitations.
Concerned for the common good as individuals and as a community, we commit ourselves
to honesty in relationships with all, and we pledge to be just and consistent in word
and deed.
In a spirit of unity and solidarity, the Holy Cross family nurtures an inclusive,
diverse community that fosters new opportunities, partnerships, collaborations, and
vigorous, yet respectful debate.
Rooted in the joy of the Gospel and in Catholic social tradition, the University of
Holy Cross serves all people and chooses to be a compassionate witness in service
to a world in need.
Welcome to University of Holy Cross where “the mind is not cultivated at the expense of the heart,” as was often expressed
by our Founder, the Venerable Basile-Antoine Marie Moreau, and by our sponsors, The
Marianites of Holy Cross. I look forward to helping to make your time at UHC a life-changing
and positive experience!
Spes Unica,
Lisa M. Sullivan, PhD
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Deans & Department Chairs
Academic Year 2022-2023
Dr. Michael Labranche
Chair of History, Social Sciences, & Mathematics
Dr. Peter Yaukey
Chair of Biological & Physical Sciences
Dr. Claudia Champagne
Chair of Humanities
Dr. Todd Amick
Chair of Theology
Dr. Michael Labranche
Dean of the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences
Dr. Carolyn White
Chair of Counseling
Dr. Ronicka Briscoe
Chair of Education
Dr. Armine Shahoyan
Chair of Business
Dr. Carolyn White
Dean of the College of Counseling, Education, & Business
Dr. Patricia Prechter
Dean of Nursing
Dr. Barbara Wizer
Chair of Health Sciences
Dr. Patricia Prechter
Dean of the College of Nursing and Health Sciences
Lisa M. Sullivan, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President
for Academic Affairs
Kelly Fabre
Executive Assistant to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs